Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Big Idea

    Every product to have it launched and be successful has to have a great idea to make it sell and want people to want it.  So how do we achieve that success without failure? We use what Rudyard Kipling used called, “Six honest serving men”(p.68) These six honest serving men were the Who?, What?, When?, Why?, and How? By using these six words it helps you determine who will you be marketing to.  Not only will it help you market it but also the question,"is there a market for my product?"  We all know that there is a market for Health and Exercise here in America since we are already known around the world for being overweight.  What we do is target these overweight women and show them how miserable their life is and how sick and tired do they feel by living this way? 

So how do we target these women? we use the,  “sweet spot”(p.68) 
 We give the consumer a little bit of Honey and make them want more.  We show them how beautiful they can look when they workout using our product and the attention that they will be receiving.  Every woman loves attention and our product is the only one that is guaranteed to give them that satisfaction.  Not only do you show them how great it feels to be beautiful, but you tell them.  You tell them that it is their right to look as beautiful as The Rose, that there is no second best when it comes to their beauty.  We tell them that now is the time to get started, now is the time to take the first step.

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